Monday, October 10, 2011

Caught me off guard a bit.

We went to see Madison for the second time around 7:00PM. It wasn't too eventful the first time we saw her today and she was pretty much out cold so we let her be. Walking in the second time her primary doctor was there and checked her over. Listened to the lungs and felt her belly making sure there isn't too much air getting in since she isn't intubated anymore and all in all he said she looked good. The he goes to the other side presses on something closed the little door and walks away. All of a sudden I hear this cry I look down and its her. No doors are open you could hear her through her incubator. Kinda made me feel sad but its good she can cry poor baby but she got over it quick. She doesn't seem like she will be a big crier just a little here and there and stop.

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