Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Overnight.

It was nice. Kind of short lived because she had to be brought back into the nursery because she had a doctors appointment at 6:00AM to get her eyes checked out. So we gave her back after her 3:00AM feeding. Which by the way she took all her bottles from me so I fed her 3 times. I didn't sleep at all. I was up that morning at 4:50AM for work on Sunday and still up at 5:00AM the next morning(Monday). It was either her monitor going off for no reason or her crying but it was great just being there alone in a room with her. I did her meds a couple times and it wasn't too bad.
Anyway the doctor's appointment...not so well. Here eyes are getting worse. So at around 4PM we went to meet with the specialist and he of course was an hour and a half late...anyway bottomline she needs surgery. She is borderline for REALLY needing the surgery and is at the point where they don't want to do nothing and eventually have her retina detach and ultamitaly be blind. So all the good feeding she has been doing will be stopped today inorder to be prepped for surgery and we will have to start all over again BIG BUMMER. So tonight she will spend back in the NICU and they are going to start an IV...all the things we moved away from. Wednesday morning sometime will be her surgery. I'm not too worried she has gone through much worse.
ANYWAYS here are the Christmas pictures I promised!

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