Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A lot of changes.

Since the last post as you know Madison did poop so I have quite a bit to catch you all up on. I can't really remember which day things happened on because of the storm that came through Saturday night but here I go. The were going another contrast test, this time through her poor bum and she almost pooped on the doctor, ha! So the next day they started feeding her pedialite so she how she handles it and they did that for a couple days and she ended up pooping sometime after that yay! Just yesterday they started feeding her a bit of my frozen breast milk drops, ha but she's feting some and seems to be doing well. OMG I almost forgot! Before all of this even havened she decided hmm let me pull out my breathing tube again so they but her on the cpap.that looks like subs gear. She had that for a few days maybe a week then moved to the high flow canula again and has been on it for almost three days (as far as I know she is still on it now) so Miss Madison is doing fairly well I'm so glad she's eating. BUT we tried to kangaroo yesterday and well it was nice for about 10-15 minutes and her heart rate kept on dipping : / so I don't know what's up with that but it was freaking me out. I was there for about 4 hours while hubby called to go into work (on our anniversary) yesterday. By the way we haven't has power since Saturday night. So I stayed at the hospital with Madison while he was working and since her heart rate dipped the last time while I was there in the beginning the next 3 hours she was fine so maybe she wasn't ready for it that day but she seemed more stable being back in her incubator.

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