Thursday, December 6, 2018

How was Everyone's Thanksgiving?

I spent mine in Boston, eating all the foods and enjoyed every minute of it!
Ended up Black Friday shopping, no not at 5AM more like 11 so it wasn't as bad but I was surprised there weren't better sales.

Fast forward to today. I have my NT scan. Last I saw baby (last week) I was measuring 4 days ahead. When I should've been 9 weeks 6 days I was measuring 10 weeks 3 let's see if that's what the trend will be today.

This scan measures the fluid behind the next to make sure baby doesn't appear to have Down Syndrome or any other abnormalities. I'm excited to see baby and how much change there is in a week.

Due to my history I've been thinking A LOT about my cervix and clerclages. I finally have my MFM appointment December 19th so we will definitley be going over that. If we move on it and not go with the "wait and see approach" I want to bring up having a TAC (trans abdominal cerclage) done rather than a TVC (transvaginal cerclage).

From what I've read when you have a TAC you shouldn't have any limitations or be put on bed rest and in my situation would be the best for me. I should be a few days into my 12th week at that appointment so baby should still be small enough to have that done.

My ultimate goal is to avoid another preemie at all costs, I would love nothing more than a healthy term baby.

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