Tuesday, November 13, 2018

A Scare

I had a pretty heavy bleed episode on Sunday about 7:45am. It was on and off for about 8 hours and after passing a huge clot when I went to the bathroom, while out bowling with the kiddo I decided to get checked out at the pregnant lady ER. They did a pelvic exam and at the point (I went there at like 6pm)she said the bleeding is slowing and that my cervix was still closed. An ultrasound was offered and then taken back since I had an ultrasound this past Friday but I made a point to bring up my last pregnancy (which the midwife read through my history) and she I know you requested to have one and said how is that little miracle? 

Little things like reading my history before coming into the room and assuming is great bedside manner. I appreciate her not being in such a rush with me and taking the time to listen to my wants and needs.

I started this pregnancy outside of the hospital I plan on delivering in (which is the one I went to for the ER) to get everything started and then transfer back to them. She even brought up seeing if I would be a candidate for a cerclage (which duh, or I will throw a fit) when I am transferred over and seeing if I need to be seen at Maternal Fetal Medicine so she has really done her homework. 

I followed up with the outside doctor and was able to get an ultrasound today to check on the little, and all looked normal, thank god! 7 weeks and 4 days today. 

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