Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We got our first call from the NICU today.

We saw Madison earlier in the day and I was told no changes really. She was on 38 for oxygen which is great. She's still on all the antibiotics, we had our first negative blood culture yesterday and are hoping to keep them negative to try and get another PICC line in since having to take the first once out when all this happened. Anyways back to the call. It started off as "I don't know if anyone went over the belly ultrasound with you or not.." um no the did not. Well we found a fungal ball in one of her kidneys which is constant with a yeast infection because the yeast usually collects somewhere. I then asked so as she is treated with the antibiotics will it break down and she said yes. It will probably come out in her urine so they will be looking for that. She also has some fluid with connective tissue which they can't say for sure or not if its an absist near her liver. So as you can imagine when that number popped up I thought the worst. She is still alive and fighting and isn't deathly ill so I'm okay as long as things are being watched and worked on but really when I was there why didn't I get the low down....

1 comment:

  1. I'm from the December 2011 board and I just want to say. I am thinking about you and praying for your baby. When I was 8 my little sister was born premature and I still remember what a roller coaster ride it was for our whole family...a good day...then a few bad...then things look better...then rough again. Stay strong. (Oh that little sister is 23 getting married in November) Hopefully your milk supply will pick up, but keep trying and know there are lots of people praying for you guys!!!
