Thursday, January 31, 2019

11 weeks since my last scare (LONG POST)

The night of January 29th I had some cramping but I ended up sleeping it off. Yesterday, the 30th I had cramping off and on all day. I put an email in that morning to be seen (cervical check) and they couldn't fit me in until 3:00PM.

I worked all day and made it to my appointment. Baby looked great but my cervix measured just about a cm less at 2.8cm when it was 3.7cm just 6 days earlier at my anatomy scan. I was instructed to begin vaginal progesterone suppositories, and to go over to L&D to be monitored. I told them I would be back for the monitoring.

I came back about 6:30PM, still cramping off and on. My OB ended up being the first doctor I saw (whom I still am not very fond of). She gave me a speculum exam and stated my cervix looked long and closed and that it was "very posterior" which I am told is great. Next came the even more painful part...the manual exam. She felt around and pressed so hard because it was hard to reach my cervix (also a good thing I hear). She tried sticking her finger in my cervix and stated I was probably about a centimeter to a centimeter and a half dilated.

I asked about being monitored for my cramping and she said it isn't something they do because it is so early. That they don't usually intervene until 22 weeks at the earliest. While I am aware of this, I was only being asked to be monitored and if in fact I was contracting or that is something they are picking up it could be something they could surely stop. 

She said she would consult with my MFM doctor on what he would like to do regarding a possible rescue cerclage and that in the meantime she would have one of the senior residents perform a second exam to see if they felt the same thing. The resident said she agreed about my cervix being really high/very posterior and difficult to get to. She also stated being that the exam was so difficult to perform was a good thing. (Oh so painful though) she said that I might be maybe a half a centimeter dilated. 

The resident asked if I was cramping while I was here and I said I was and I don't know why no one is looking into it or monitoring it. She said it might not be picked up because I'm not that far along but we tried it, and I appreciated the effort rather than doing nothing. 

The Toco didn't pick up anything and my MFM doctor decided against a cerclage because if I am in fact cramping it wouldn't be a good idea to place it then, which I agree with. So I have my regular scheduled OB appointment on Friday. (I really need to switch my OB) and then my follow up scan on Wednesday which I plan to consult with the doctor at that point and see what the new game plan is.

I've heard things about the pessary so maybe that would be an option as well to avoid the surgical route...Well it is Thursday morning hello 19 weeks.

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