Sunday, October 2, 2011

The verdict.

After seeing Madison yesterday and speaking with the nurses and doctor the only option left now is surgery. The contrast still isn't moving and still no poop. I found out yesterday that the IV nutrition they have her on is now messing with her liver so she is taking a new medication for that...the longer she is on that the more it will mess with her so as soon as the surgery is done hopefully they can start feeding her. They wanted to wait 4 - 6 weeks since the drain was put in her belly so the irritation can go down so that brings us to the middle of October. This is going to be her 3rd surgery : / I hope it will be the last and everything goes well after.


  1. seems like you are truly going through the preemie/NICU tango over there. Im not sure if you read my comment about one of our sons having NEC and having emergency surgery... he was also on TPN for a very long time which caused liver failure. He was so jaundice he was litteraly the color of GOLDEN.. not yellow. He was 48 hours away from getting on the liver transplant list if the meds didnt kick in and work ( there was several different cocktails they put him on )it finally kicked in. If you want to chat privately please email me. Hang in there. This is very hard for you to go through. Madison is a fighter!

  2. I did get your comment for some reason it doesn't let me respond all the time but thank you for sharing your story. We were joking around saying she's getting the whole tour of the NICU unfortunately. But she is pushing through it nicely. Poor girl never gets a break : /
